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  • Human memory its features and types. What is memory? Types of human memory. Features and the relationship of short-term and long-term memory

Human memory its features and types. What is memory? Types of human memory. Features and the relationship of short-term and long-term memory

Which allows a person to save and restore under certain conditions a large amount of all kinds of information received by the brain from both his own body and from the outside, is called memory. A person remembers not only what he perceives or feels, but also what he thinks about.

The relationship of memory with other mental processes

Memory has a close relationship with feelings, thinking, and will. Thus, imagination and thinking are impossible without the participation of memory, because it is it that stores knowledge and impressions, which are the material for figurative and logical processing through these processes. The connection of memory with feelings is manifested in the fact that a person remembers and reproduces the feelings he has experienced, which can occur both involuntarily and arbitrarily. The second case demonstrates the connection of memory and will. So, a person needs memory. It gives the opportunity to save, accumulate, and then use their own life experience and partly the experience of other people, which is assimilated in the form of skills, knowledge, skills. But a person remembers far from everything that passes through his consciousness and affects his brain, but only that which is connected with his activity, interests, and needs. Our memory is selective!

Types of memory

Depending on the identity of the information held, the following types can be distinguished.

  • Sensory memory. It is characterized by remembering the images of phenomena and objects or their properties that previously affected the senses. Based on the channel of information, it can be divided into such types of memory as tactile, visual, taste, auditory, olfactory. So, visual memory is manifested in remembering the shape, size, color of objects, and, for example, auditory - in remembering, recognizing and reproducing melodies, speech, sounds, etc.
  • Motor memory. It manifests itself in remembering the movements of your own body. It is thanks to her that motor skills are formed: production and labor, sports and so on.
  • Emotional memory. It consists in memorizing the experienced emotions and feelings.
  • Verbal-semantic (verbal-logical) memory. It is characterized by the memorization of thoughts expressed verbally. All types of human memory are important, but this is of particular importance. It serves as the basis of logical thinking, that is, through it is the assimilation of knowledge.

Mechanical and logical types of memory

A person does not interpret all the information stored by memory in the same way. Based on the degree of comprehension, 2 types of memory are distinguished.

  • Mechanical Its essence is in memorizing information material without understanding its meaning, for example, memorizing foreign words, memorizing phone numbers, memorizing the text of a textbook.
  • Logical. It is based on an understanding of the meaning of information.

  Short-term and long-term types of memory

Often short-term memory is called operational, since it is especially important for operators - people who service automated production. To make a decision, the operator briefly remembers the sound or light signal that appears on the signal board that has a specific meaning. Having performed the necessary operation, the information indicated by the signal should be forgotten and attention should be switched to other signals. If the information used in the activity needs to be memorized for a long time, it passes by fixing in the protein molecules of nerve cells into long-term memory.

Hello dear readers! Has it ever happened to you that you cannot remember some elementary thing? Or suddenly the smell of mandarin brought the image of the picture of the past New Year? All such events are directly related to human memory. It is about this amazing phenomenon that we will talk. Today I will tell you what types of memory a person has.

Memory learning

Psychology has long been studying memory, trying to answer the questions: what kind of memory has forms and types; how a person better perceives, processes and assimilates information. If you want to know this mental process in more detail, then the book of Love by Cheremoshkina " Psychology of memory».

In the study of memory, psychologists resorted to experimental methods. The experiments were conducted both in humans and in animals. For example, the famous labyrinths for laboratory mice or the practice of the world-famous Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. But Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, together with his students, dealt with the issue of the highest form of memory in children.

You must admit that the process of memorization is extremely important not only in everyday life, but also in professional activities. They say about some people that they possess, while others are not able to hold information for longer than a few seconds.

There are serious memory disorders when a person does not remember anything from his past or is not able to remember current events. To better understand the question, to understand what kind of memory you have developed, it is best to go deeper into understanding several types of this mental process.

Types of memory

How many types of memory are there? To answer this question clearly is not possible. But with confidence we can say that the basis for the categorization of types of memory is the dependence of certain characteristics of the memory on the process of direct storage and further reproduction of the information received.

Today, there are 3 main categories: the nature of mental activity; the nature of the purpose of the activity and the duration. Let's look at each category in more detail.

Mental activity

Here we are dealing with figurative, emotional, motor and verbal-logical memory, depending on what types of analyzers or sensory systems are included in the memorization process.

Shaped memory works with images that we memorize thanks to various touch systems. Therefore, there are several categories.

Visual. A person with good visual memory better remembers information in the form of pictures, visual images. My fellow student had excellent visual memory and easily presented the necessary tables in his head during exams and gave the right answers.

He captured the whole page: where is the desired paragraph, formula or definition. Such a memory is necessary for artists, engineers and other professions related to visual images;

Auditory. As you may have guessed, this memory is responsible for playing sounds. So, speaking of good musical ear, in fact, we mean excellent auditory memory, when a person easily reproduces notes, melodies, the rhythm of a song, and so on.

Flavoring. Here we are talking about tastes. Lemon acid, sweetness of tea, bitterness of pepper, taste of your favorite dish and so on. Taste memory is well developed, for example, in tasters.

Olfactory. As the name implies, we are talking about smells. Which is also extremely important for the taster. The smell of freshly cut grass, an old book, a favorite perfume, fresh milk.

Tactile. This type of memory helps to leave a feeling of warmth from the fire, the softness of a woolen scarf, the silkiness of the arms of the mother and so on.

Shaped memory is crucial in learning. But here it is worth emphasizing that it is necessary to use different sensory systems when memorizing. The experiments showed that students are able to reproduce only 10% of the total lecture volume with a one-time listening.

If the lecture is studied visually, then the percentage increases to 30. If you combine visual and auditory perception, then the indicator increases to 50%. And the figures of 90% can only be achieved by applying the information received in practice, that is, by repeating the material studied.

If you can determine which form of memorization you have developed better, then you can more effectively use your capabilities and not memorize information, but create the necessary conditions for better assimilation of the necessary material.

Emotional memory works with feelings. I must say that this type of memory is extremely important for humans.

A feature of emotional memory is that if it is poorly developed or completely absent, then a person will not be able to. It is reduced emotional memory that is often found in sick people or killers.

This is just about empathy. When a person is able to empathize with others, condole, support in difficult times, rejoice at someone else's success. In addition, this type of memory can be called the most reliable. A person remembers very well the feelings that he had to endure in a particular situation.

This memory can reproduce previously experienced feelings or secondary feelings. Secondary feelings can sometimes be very different from the original ones or even change your sign. So, for example, what previously scared a person can become his desire and the object of desire. Or what brought joy now upsets and leads.

Motor or motor memory is responsible for movement, as the name suggests.

So, we remember how to walk, run, ride a bicycle and so on. All labor skills are associated with this particular type of memory. People who have it well developed are often called a person with "golden hands."
  If we did not have such a memory, then each time we would have to learn to walk, breathe, blink, or write by hand, for example.

Verbal-logical memory is responsible for thoughts, inference, perception of the meaning of what was said or seen. A person can reproduce both the general meaning of what is understood and the concrete definition in exact words and expressions.

How strongly will such a process as thinking at the moment of memorization be involved, one can distinguish mechanical and logical. If memorization occurs by repeating the necessary material, memorizing without understanding the general essence, then we are talking about a mechanical one.

Logical, in turn, is based on the construction of semantic relationships between various objects. So, teachers constantly give examples from past lectures that relate to a new topic.

Purpose of activity

Everything is quite simple here. If at the moment you have a specific goal, then you use arbitrary memory. So, you force yourself to remember something specific. For example, before a meeting with an important one, the manager tries to remember the name, occupation of this person, his features and other useful information that may be needed at the meeting.

Involuntary memory does not require a statement of the problem,. The process happens by itself, automatically. For example, when a child remembers a picture of a giant line in a store.


How long does the information received linger in our head?
  Short-term memory allows you to keep the information received for fractions of a second, in the event that further processing does not occur. Usually a person remembers the last 5-9 objects from the information provided.

If a person makes a conscious effort, tries to remember, then it becomes possible to keep information in short-term memory for a longer period.

Long-term memory is a gigantic repository. It stores information that is often used in life. We can say that here lies the foundation for all lasting knowledge. There are two ways to extract information from this repository:

  • the first - at will;
  • the second - when a certain irritant appears.

Short-term memory is a kind of transshipment point for information. If the material is not repeated, then it disappears.
  RAM is similar to short-term, but its feature is that it allows you to save information that relates directly to the process being performed.

So, when you were solving an example at school, you memorized the necessary numbers, factors, variables, and so on. But after the decision, all this information was erased from your memory after some time.

Do you know what type of memory you have developed better than others? What is the easiest way for you to remember information? Do you often have deja vu?

I wish you a good memory for life!

Memory is one of the main personality traits. A person deprived of memory, in fact, ceases to be a person.

Memory  - This is a trace form of mental reflection of the past, which consists in remembering, preserving and subsequent reproduction or recognition of previously perceived.

Memory is involved in the act of perception, because without recognition, perception is impossible. At the heart of memory are associations, or connections. In human memory, phenomena and objects connected in reality are connected. Therefore, having met with one of these objects, we can recall by association another one associated with it.

To remember something means to associate memorization with an already known one, to form an association. Association is a temporary nervous connection.

Associations  can be simple and complex. Associations of adjacency, contrast, and similarity are simple.

Adjacency Associations combine two phenomena connected in time or in space. So, the child's performance of any previous operation causes the occurrence of nervous processes that ensure the subsequent operation. This is possible because in the process of exercise between the individual operations established connections. Through associations of adjacency, a person masters various types of activity, verbal material.

Affinity association connect two phenomena that have similar features. They rely on the similarity of nerve connections that are caused in our brain by two objects.

Contrast Associations two opposite phenomena are connected. This is because in practice, opposing objects are usually compared and compared (health and illness, sociability and isolation, etc.), which leads to the formation of the corresponding nerve connections.

There is also complex associations.   They connect phenomena that are actually constantly connected: genus and species (fish - perch), part and whole (lobule - orange), cause and effect (heat - thirst).

It takes repetition to form associations. Sometimes a connection occurs after one time, if a strong focus of excitation appears in the cerebral cortex of the brain, facilitating the formation of associations.

To use the ability of associations to remember, you should ask your child questions: What reminds you of this word? What reminds you of this drawing? What reminds you of this item?

Performing this or that activity, a person can remember objects, phenomena, other people, their relationships, movements, thoughts, feelings. All these are objects of memorization. A person can remember them without setting a task chi to remember, and due to the fact that these objects interest him in whatever - whatever.

Memorized material may be required to perform a specific activity for a short time, and can be used in other activities or when repeating this activity over a long period of time. Therefore, you will need to remember a thread for a long time. In this regard, different types of memory will take place.

Types of memory  can be classified according to three main criteria:

activity prevailing in mnemonic activity

According to the degree of volitional regulation

By the duration of the storage of material in memory

1) motor memory

2) figurative memory (visual, auditory, olfactory, auditory, gustatory, tactile)

3) emotional memory

4) verbal-logical memory

1) iconic memory

2) short-term memory

3) long-term

4) operational

5) genetic

1) involuntary memory

2) arbitrary memory

Motor memory
- this is the memorization, preservation and reproduction of various movements and their systems. This memory serves to form various motor skills and abilities (walking, writing, driving, typing and other labor skills). Signs of good motor memory are physical dexterity, dexterity. Differences in the level of motor memory lead to different levels of development of writing skills, labor activity. Movement memory is especially well developed among athletes.

Motive memory is the basis of the assimilation of dance figures, as well as habits, crossing the street, look first to the left, and then to the right.

Motor memory reaches full development before other forms of memory. In some people, this type of memory remains the leading one for life. For the rest, other types of memory play a leading role.

Figurative memory - memorization, preservation and reproduction of images of previously perceived objects and phenomena. Subspecies of figurative memory are visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and taste memory. To the greatest extent, all people manifest such types of memory as visual and auditory.

The features of visual memory is that during the period of holding the image in memory, it undergoes a certain transformation. The following changes were detected that are committed with a visual image during the conservation process:

1) simplification (lowering of parts),

2) some exaggeration of individual parts,

3) the transformation of the figure into a more symmetrical, uniform,

4) rounding of the stored in the shape of the object, expansion,

5) a change in position, orientation,

6) image transformation by color.

On the one hand, these transformations of the image in memory make it less accurate compared to the image of verbal memory. On the other hand, these transformations can be beneficial - turning the image into a general scheme that is better remembered. Visual figurative memory lends itself poorly to arbitrary control. It is good to remember only the special, the unusual - it does not mean to have a good memory.

Shaped memory is more pronounced in children and adolescents.

The development of figurative memory reaches a high level among people involved in art: artists, musicians, writers. The musician successfully remembers the music, he has developed auditory memory. The artist has a highly developed visual memory.

The development of tactile, olfactory and taste memory is associated with various types of professional activity (for example, among tasters of the food industry, perfume production).

Emotional memorymemory for experienced feelings. A person can rejoice again, remembering a happy event, blush recalling an awkward act. Emotional memory is the most important condition for a person’s moral development. In addition, it can be a motive for the repetition of actions and actions and underlies the formation of habits.

The strength of memorizing the material is directly based on emotional memory: that which a person evokes emotional experience is remembered by him without much difficulty and for a longer period.

Verbal – logical memory expressed in the memorization, preservation and reproduction of thoughts, concepts. This kind of memory is specifically human. In their simplest forms, animals have motor, figurative, and emotional memory.

One of the main characteristics of verbal - logical memory is that memorization can take place in the same verbal form that was perceived (literally), but can be carried out in another verbal expression (in your own words). It depends on the task facing the person, and on the methods of memorization formed by him.

Classification of memory by time of storage of material  It looks like this: instant memory, short-term memory, random access memory, long-term memory and genetic memory.

Instant memory (iconic memory)   - retention of an accurate and complete picture of what was just perceived by the sensory organs without any processing of the information received. This is a memory image. Its duration is from 0.1 to 0.5 seconds.

Short-term memory  a memory that ensures the preservation and reproduction of material a few seconds after its single and short perception. Reproduction is characterized by high accuracy, however, after a short time, the impressions disappear, and a person is usually unable to remember anything from the perceived. The retention time of mnemonic traces is on average about 20 seconds (without repetition). Short-term memory is characterized by such a quantity as volume. Speaking about the amount of short-term memory, it should be noted its small capacity. Even such a simple task as remembering a phone number, strains the memory of most people - they are forced to dial a number to access a notebook. The amount of information that a person can save in short-term memory is limited. As Miller established, it is measured in structural units and is equal to 7 ± 2. Miller used this distant analogy on this subject: “It is as if we had to carry all our money in a wallet that can hold only seven coins. It makes no difference to the wallet whether these coins will be pence or silver dollars ... ”

Generalization, schematization, visibility are natural ways to expand the operational field of short-term memory, through it all the information goes into long-term storage.

From the instantaneous memory to the short-term only information that is realized, correlated with the interests and needs of a person, attracts attention.

RAM Serves directly carried out by a person actions or operations. When a person has some complex activity, he does it in parts (one action after another). At the same time, some intermediate goals and results are kept in memory. information is stored in the range from several seconds to several days. The shelf life is designed to solve the problem. After that, the information may be erased from the RAM.

The amount of RAM consists of two components: the short-term memory material received from the outside world at the moment, and the material relating to the performance of this action, received from long-term memory.

According to the duration of information storage and its properties, this type of memory occupies an intermediate position between short-term and long-term memory.

Long-term memory able to store information for an unlimited period. It is characterized by the duration and durability of the storage of perceived material.

In long-term memory, an accumulation of knowledge acquired by a person in the process of performing various types of activities (gaming, educational, labor, etc.) takes place.

This knowledge is stored in a transformed form: more generalized and systematized. They are needed by a person not only at the moment, but in his life and activity in general. If necessary, knowledge is updated in the human mind and then again transferred to long-term memory. That is why a person does not at every moment realize everything that is stored in his long-term memory, the arsenal of his knowledge.

Genetic memory:   information is stored in the genotype, transmitted and reproduced by inheritance. Genetic memory cannot be influenced through training and education.

The biological mechanism of storing information are mutations and related changes in gene structures.

By the degree of participation of the will in the process of memorization and reproduction of material  memory is divided into involuntary and arbitrary.

Involuntary memory:   memorization and reproduction occurs automatically, without much effort, without setting a mnemonic task of memorizing, recognizing, storing and reproducing. This often applies to unsuccessful acts, difficult events. It should be emphasized that the material with which an interesting, complex mental work is connected and which is of great importance to a person is involuntarily better remembered.

IN arbitrary memory the process of memorization or reproduction requires volitional effort. A person intentionally, at his discretion, remembers and reproduces something, that is, directs his activity towards the achievement of his goal.

L.V. Cheremoshkina proposes to distinguish two main types of memory:

  • natural memory is an immediate short-term involuntary memory, the basis of our memory, most developed in children 6-7 years of age;
  • cultural memory is a mediated long-term voluntary memory, a superstructure over natural memory, its improvement is possible through memorization techniques.

Memory processes  are memorization, preservation, forgetting, recognition, reproduction.

Memorization   always selective. Not everything that affects our senses is remembered, but only that with which a person acts.

The effectiveness of memorization is determined by motives, goals and methods of activity (this is the essence of the activity of the concept of memory).

Memorization is the processes of memory, as a result of which new material is consolidated by linking it with previously acquired material.

Material, which occupies a different place in activity, acquires different meanings for man.

The material that causes active mental work on it (highlighting semantic blocks, drawing up a plan) is involuntarily better remembered.

Arbitrary memorization is characterized by the presence of a conscious goal - to remember the material. For this, the learning process is organized, special techniques are used, which are determined by the choice of the method of memorization. The method of memorization is based on the connections established between the individual parts of the material in the process of memorization.

By the nature of the relationships established between the new material and the knowledge already acquired in past experience, there are two ways of remembering: mechanical and meaningful.

Some people are prone to mechanical memorization (cramming), and another part is to meaningful memorization. It should be remembered that only things that are well understood are remembered well and for a long time. As experimental studies by psychologists show, in the second case, the results are better than more than 20 times. Meaningful memorization is based on the establishment of semantic relations of a new material with already known material. In the case of mechanical storage, adjacency associations are established by repeated repetition. Such memorization of the material usually leads to a formal assimilation of knowledge. It is uneconomical, as it requires a lot of time.

The leading role in training and education is occupied by meaningful memorization. But mechanical memorization is still necessary when studying the words of a foreign language, unit names in metric systems.

In the process of meaningful memorization, repetition may also be required if the material is very large.

Basic techniques of memorization:

Planning  memorized material:

a) the breakdown of the material into its constituent parts;

b) inventing titles or highlighting a strong point with which the entire content of this part of the material is associated;

c) the binding of parts according to their names in a single chain of associations.

Comparison, which involves the allocation of general and special moments in individual parts of the material. The memorization of objects is carried out the faster and stronger, the sharper the differences between them.

Classification  (distribution of material into certain parts, classes, for example: allocation of animals and plants, names of men and women, objects by color.)

Systematization of the material.  These techniques of random memorization are based on associations of similarity and contrast.

Reliance on imaginative connections. Where possible, it is necessary to invoke the appropriate images, to associate them with the content of the material that is remembered.

The strength and completeness of memorization largely depend on repetition organization. The success of memorization does not depend on the number of repetitions, but on how they are distributed over time . Distributed repetition (with a break of several hours or even every other day) is more productive than continuous, without a break.

Memorization allows reproducing material without distortion only in the first hours after memorization. Then, if a person does not work with this material, he is usually gradually forgotten. Preservation and forgetting are two interconnected processes. It depends on their course what remains in our memory.

Preservationthis is the process of keeping memorized. From a physiological point of view, this is the maintenance of previously established connections in the brain through reinforcements.

A number of factors contribute to the preservation of information:

  • depth of understanding;
  • setting (significance of information);
  • application of acquired knowledge;
  • repetition (the degree of use of the material in the activities of the individual).

If we apply knowledge in various tasks, built taking into account the above-mentioned patterns of involuntary memorization, then there is not only reinforcement of the bonds that contribute to the consolidation of the former.

Forgetting Is a natural process. The physiological basis of forgetting is the inhibition of temporary connections. First of all, what is forgotten is that it does not have vital importance for a person, does not cause interest. In this case, extinction braking quickly develops.

The selectivity of forgetting is manifested in the fact that the details are forgotten sooner, and the general points and conclusions are stored in memory longer.

Forgetting can be full and partial. With complete forgetting, the material is not only not reproduced, but also not recognized.

Partial forgetting occurs when a person reproduces the material not all or with errors.

The process of forgetting proceeds unevenly: during the first 5 days after memorization, forgetting is faster than in the next 5 days.

Play and   recognition   - These are the processes of updating previously perceived material. During playback, updating occurs without re-perception. Upon recognition, updating is carried out upon repeated perception.

When random play  a person does not have the goal of recalling previously perceived events, objects, phenomena. Their images pop up by themselves.

Random play  - This is a focused process of restoring in the consciousness of past feelings, actions, acquired knowledge. Random playback can be easy, and sometimes requires considerable effort.

Conscious reproduction requiring volitional effort is called recall. Remembering is a complex mental act. The ability to remember, as well as remember and keep in mind, should be learned. The success of the recall process depends on how clearly the content of the task of mastering the material is recognized.

If difficulties arise when recalling, then it is necessary to move from a wide range of knowledge to a narrower one. It is necessary to use comparison, comparison, associations with what should be reproduced. You can recommend special techniques:

  • drawing up a plan of recalled material;
  • active evocation in oneself of images of the corresponding objects of mediating associations, which contributes to the success of recalling

Memory performance  it is determined by such qualities as speed (speed) of memorization, accuracy of reproduction, durability of storage, readiness for reproduction.

Memorization speed   determined by the number of repetitions necessary for a person to remember a certain amount of material.

Playback accuracy is determined by the percentage of correctly reproduced material to the entire volume of reproduced material.

Strength   expressed in the preservation of the learned material and in the speed of forgetting.

Ready to play   manifested in how much a person can easily and quickly recall at the right time what he needs.

Each of these indicators characterizes a specific memory process: memorization, storage and reproduction.

Most common typology of memoryassociated with the speed of memorization and the strength of the preservation of the material.

Four types of memory are allocated:

  • fast memorization combined with slow forgetting;
  • slow memorization is combined with slow forgetting;
  • fast memorization is combined with fast forgetting;
  • slow memorization is combined with fast forgetting;

Optimal is the first type of memory.

Representatives of the second type have to spend more time memorizing. But the material they have is stored for a long time.

People with the third type of memory quickly remember, but, satisfied with fast memory, they do not repeat the material, which leads to a deterioration in its preservation, a decrease in memory productivity. Such people need to be oriented toward the repetition of the material in order to increase the retention strength.

The fourth type has the lowest memory performance. Having spent a lot of time memorizing, representatives of this type quickly forget the material. Such people should be taught to overcome memory deficiencies by organizing the process of memorization and repetition.

Individual memory features  people depend on a number of factors: the characteristics of higher nervous activity, the level of development of individual memory processes, the characteristics of education and training, the nature of professional activity.

The individuality of memory is manifested in the fact that a person remembers more successfully how he prefers to remember how strong the material is stored, how quickly he remembers how expressed his readiness for reproduction. Different people have different levels of memory.

Depending on what a person remembers better, emit 3 types memory:

  • clearly shaped;
  • verbal-logical;
  • intermediate (harmonic).

Representatives of the first type better remember paintings, faces, colors, objects, sounds.

Representatives of the second type better remember concepts, verbal formulations, formulas.

Representatives of the third type equally well remember and clearly - figurative and verbal - logical material.

By the method of entering information for memorizing, they distinguish between visual, auditory, motor and mixed (visual - auditory, visual - motor, motor-auditory) types. Indeed, some people prefer to memorize information visually, others - by ear, others - with the help of motor sensations, and fourths use a combined method. It should be emphasized that combined types are more common.

Given the individual characteristics of a person, it should be recommended that he use mainly this or that material for memorization, as well as this or that way of entering information.

In addition to the individual characteristics of memory, there are also age-related features. Each age group (for preschool children, primary school children and adolescents) has its own memory characteristics. The degree of possession of memory at any age is different, so each child needs to be taught ways to ensure the best results of memorization, as well as ways to use the stored memory in life.


Memory is one of the main personality traits.

Memory is one of the necessary conditions for the development of intellectual abilities; this is a trace form of mental reflection of the past, which consists in remembering, preserving and subsequent reproduction or recognition of previously perceived.

Memory is involved in the act of perception. At the heart of memory are associations, or connections. In human memory, phenomena and objects connected in reality are connected.

To remember something means to associate memorization with an already known one, to form an association. From a physiological point of view, association is a temporary nervous connection. It takes repetition to form associations. Sometimes a connection occurs immediately if a strong focus of excitation appears in the cerebral cortex of the brain, facilitating the formation of associations.

All types of memory can be classified according to three main criteria:

  • according to the content of mental activity prevailing in mnemonic activity;
  • according to the degree of volitional regulation of memory;
  • by the duration of preservation and fixing of material in memory.


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Types of memory in psychology and their brief description, as well as why a person needs each of these types, these are the topics that are described in detail in the article. Perhaps, having read to the end, the complex and mysterious processes of human memory will become clear and simple for you.

Why does a person need memory

Memory- the most obvious and at the same time the most mysterious property of the human psyche. Here they may object to us: “How is this the most mysterious property? After all, remembering your name, surname, birthday, the faces of loved ones, the situation in your home is as simple and natural as breathing, moving, smiling ... "

However, look back on your life path: years have dramatically changed you, but you remember yourself at five, and at ten, and at thirty. Thanks to this knowledge, your personal history, you maintain a sense of individuality. If there were no memory, your life would have turned into chaos without the past, present and future, you would have become like one-day butterflies that do not know any ancestors, or descendants, no meetings, no partings.

That is why with good reason we can say: memory is one of the most fundamental foundations of our personality!

Without memory, the mind would never have appeared. This is from the point of view of evolutionary historical positions. And from the point of view of development, of an individual individual, any training, acquisition of life experience, knowledge is unthinkable without the processes of memorization.

What types of memory, in human psychology, are most significant for his life

However, how is the accumulation of knowledge? Is there a limit to this accumulation? What parts of the nervous system determine memory function? These and many other questions remained unresolved for a long time. The answer to them was not only science, but also practice.

A comparison of memory with a book is very widespread, where life writes down a wide variety of events, facts, information, fixes them firmly, for life.

Let's try to figure out this comparison. Indeed, there is a lot of objection here, namely: does life itself record knowledge beyond our will, or do we consciously remember something ourselves?

In psychology, it has long been customary to distinguish involuntary  and arbitrary  memorization. And that's why.

The child fixes many phenomena mechanically. With age, mechanical memorization gives way to a purposeful, conscious. (This, in fact, is the basis for teaching at school.) But, how much information can a person remember at random? Is there a limit to this? And if so, in what way is it better and faster to remember the material?

Before answering these questions, you need to make a few clarifications.

At firstWhat kind of memorization of the material is it? After all, some remember mechanically, without thinking about the meaning, others meaningfully, with an understanding of the essence. And do not think that mechanical memorization is easier. Try reading excerpts from a purely scientific article and from a children's book to your baby. It will immediately become clear that the understandable is much easier to assimilate, that the jagged knowledge is fragile and, moreover, difficult to use.

Therefore, arbitrary memorization can be mechanical and meaningful. Depending on this, the assimilation of the material is complicated or facilitated.

Secondly, the quality and rate of assimilation depend on the material itself. It is one thing to remember meaningfully the contents of twenty pages from a physics textbook, and another to have a fiction. But even with mechanical memorization, the degree of complexity of the material can be different (for example, a series of five or twenty words).

In this case, they already say on conditional measurement of memory, about arbitrary mechanical memory, but not memory at all.

Experiments show that within 30 minutes a person can remember no more than two or three dozen words.

The speed and strength of memorization also depends on how developed visual memory  or auditory. One and the same text, depending on the way of familiarization - by ear or by independent reading - is assimilated differently by different people. Here, probably, not only the fact of the predominance of visual or auditory memory is important, but also additional points. What are these additional points, let's try to figure it out.

In order to remember the material well, a person must concentrate, concentrate his attention. This state of assembly in some people arises more easily with independent reading, in others - when listening to text. In addition, the severity of the processes of involuntary memorization, which occurs simultaneously with memorizing as the emotional coloring of the voice, the timbre (if the text is acquired by ear), as a visual text (if the text is visually acquired) plays a role here.

Bright, impressive events are a very significant factor in memorization. Even complex material, if presented emotionally, vividly, interestingly, is absorbed easily and fairly firmly. For example, a lesson in teaching children how to count. The material is mastered much faster during the game than with a simple explanation.

The reinforcing role of emotions is probably due to the fact that emotional experience contributes to the revitalization of the processes of involuntary memorization - a lot of details are laid in memory that are essentially secondary, but help to keep the main thing. In other words, an emotionally intense event contributes to the formation of a large number of associations - connections with a variety of external and internal influences. Many fragments are stuck in the memory, and for each of them you can restore the whole event.

True, here we should point out one not entirely understandable phenomenon: our memories of early childhood are scarce, fragmentary, but most importantly, very often insignificant in content, say, a collapsed corner of the house, a large puddle along which one could walk barefoot, a grandmother combing her hair .

Perhaps in those far-off times these examples, this action struck us with something, but as adults, they only remembered a fact, an image. It is hard to answer this question.

One thing can be assumed: due to the fact that in young children prevails involuntary memorization, the remaining fragments of memories have lost touch with the essence of the events that once occurred and therefore their meaning is not clear. It is to assume, since science cannot give an exact answer here. That's why comparing memory with a book can be considered superficial. It turns out that the memory book can be written in different ways, in different colors, in detail and in abbreviation, “plain text” and encrypted, with interest and without it, and partly knowingly, partly involuntarily.

How do we forget and remember? - The mysterious properties of our memory

The imperfection of comparison becomes even more obvious if you ask the question: “How do we forget?” Yes, yes! How do we forget? Much we arbitrarily remember. However, nothing can be forgotten arbitrarily.

Therefore, forgetting happens beyond our will. What does it mean? Irreversibly lost pages from a memory book or pages that continue to exist, but we just can’t find them?

The question in this plane leads to the conclusion: we don’t forget anything at all, we are just not able to remember, that is, find in memory. This begs another question: “And how do we remember?” Here a comparison with the book is completely useless. Remembering something by turning pages of memory is a long-term business and fraught with errors. Try to figure out the whole mass of facts, phenomena, events that have accumulated over many years!

Suppose all your knowledge is sorted in some way in a book, distributed into chapters, sections, subsections, as in a reference book. But then, someone inside of us should know how this guide is structured in order to immediately open the desired page. So somewhere else there must be a memory of how our memory is arranged. So to speak, memory is the duty administrator.

Memory - duty administrator reinforced by a sense of confidence. They ask you: “Where did you rest last summer?” - “On the Black Sea”. - “And maybe you're wrong? Maybe you were on Lake Baikal or in the Baltic states? ”-“ How can one forget or confuse this? ”It would never occur to you to doubt the correctness of your words. And all because there is also memory controllerchecking the correctness of the search for the necessary memories, the correctness of the answers.

Thus, we have already introduced three “actors”: memory - storage, memory - on duty administrator  and memory - controller. However, these “actors” cannot explain all the events that occur at the mention and recollection.

Imagine this situation. Does a group of people ask a question? “In what year was P.I. Tchaikovsky born?” The answers may be different, but two options are of particular interest, the first and the instant: “I don’t know and never knew”; second, after some deliberation: “Once I knew, but now I don’t remember.”

In the first case, a person somehow instantly established that the necessary information was not available in his memory. How did he do that? It can be assumed that admin memory  with frantic speed checked all the places where the necessary information could be stored. Then we must also assume that our storage memory  - This is not an easy book like a reference book, but a whole library with a very perfect catalog, which, say, has a heading: “Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich, composer”. But all the same, you need to find the right heading, and direct a further search along it. And then, perhaps, you will have to look into such reserves as, for example, The Great Composers, History of Musical Art, Outstanding Works of Classical Music, Cultural Life of Russia in the 19th Century, etc.

Is it possible to carry out so many actions in a matter of moments? And are they committed at all? After all, each of us from our own experience can imagine a state when we are trying to remember something. But if for sure we don’t know something, then we’re not trying to remember. The whole task is how do we realize that we are not able to answer a different question. Perhaps there is another kind of memory - about that which we do not know. It turns out a difficult situation: in order to confess one’s ignorance, one must either clearly visualize the entire sphere of one’s knowledge, or by some instinctively guess one’s impotence in this matter.

But let's move on to the second option: a person says that he once knew, but now does not remember. Therefore, it makes an attempt to remember, then to no avail. Consequently, he is sure that he once had the necessary information, and now this information either completely disappeared or was temporarily lost in his memory. And here it turns out: in addition to memory, as direct knowledge, there is a memory that we have this knowledge or had it.

For example, once they were fond of photography, they knew all brands of cameras, all compositions of developers. And now forgotten.

So, the memory of missing knowledge, of lost knowledge, on duty, controlling, preserving memory ...  Are there too many varieties? Moreover, all these varieties interact very subtly and harmoniously. So, some kind of coordinating mechanism is also needed.

Yes, there are many more assumptions than answers. Nevertheless, observations of patients suffering from memory impairment, special psychological experiments made it possible to reveal some real mechanisms of this mysterious property of the psyche. However, this topic is for a separate article.


Since the article is not scientific, but informational, the types of memory in human psychology were considered in it from the point of view of interest in the process itself and the mechanisms that trigger it.

The mysteries of human memory will torment the minds of the scientific world for a long time to come. However, it is now becoming clear how complex and multifaceted our memory is. Studying and discussing its properties, we discover with interest the mysteries of human nature.

I hope the article was useful to you. Write in the comments what you think about the topic of the article.

Good luck and patience!

Yours Tatyana Kemishis

Memory is the most important component of our personality. It is the link between our past, present and future. Without the ability to remember, evolution would probably stand still. For a modern person in an age of a large flow of information, it is extremely important to have a good memory in order to keep up with the development race. The load on our natural “hard drive” is growing every day.

What is human memory?

Language and memory are closely related. The ability to remember in people is not innate. It develops when we learn to describe the world. We have practically no memories of the first years of life precisely because we did not know how to speak. Then, by the age of 3-5, the child begins to speak in sentences and describes events from life, thereby fixing them in memory.

In adolescence, self-awareness comes to a person. He answers to himself the question “Who am I?” And the memories of these years are the strongest and brightest. Whereas recent life events can be very difficult to remember. Why it happens?

There is a theory that 15-25 years is the last period of formation. At this time, we turn our attention to other things besides family. Hormonal changes occur, brain formation, new neural connections form, many of them work effectively in the frontal frontal lobe. This part of the brain is responsible for self-awareness. And also in these areas accumulates information that becomes memories. Maybe this is the reason that we very well remember the teenage period of our lives, even in adulthood.

Types of memory by the method of memorization.

Human memory can be divided into several types.   fig.

So, in order:

1 block The subject of memorization.

* Figurative memory. Information that is stored by creating some images based on data received by our senses. Everything that we see, hear, touch, feel with taste buds and smell, is converted into images and remains in memory in this form.

* Verbal memory  - that’s all we get with words and logic. Only humans have this kind. All information received verbally, consciously analyzed and classified for future use.

* Emotional memory.   The feelings experienced by a person are imprinted in this “department”. All positive or negative emotions are preserved, and in the future, remembering these moments of life, a person can again experience the same sensations.

* Motor (motor) memory. Everything related to movement is remembered by motor memory. Riding a bicycle, the ability to swim, everything that we do “on the machine,” having learned this once, is stored in our muscle memory.

2 block. The way to remember.

* Arbitrary memory. With this method, a person remembers the necessary information on purpose, by willpower. For example, using repetition.

* Involuntary memory. In the process of life, we remember not only what we need, but also other processes. Especially if these data correspond to our interests and preferences. For example, after a New Year's corporate party, someone will remember the outfits of employees, someone will taste delicious dishes, while others will keep competitive games in their memory. Each will involuntarily carry in his memory that which he personally was most interested in.

3 block. Time to remember.

* Short-term memory. It is used to solve the tasks “on the agenda”. With its help, a person processes a huge amount of information, but very quickly forgets it. As soon as the need for it disappears. A natural “fuse” is triggered so that the brain does not “explode”.

* Long-term memory. This type is determined by the long shelf life of information. All accumulated knowledge is structured, grouped and used throughout the months, years or the whole life.

* Intermediate memory. This is a cross between long and short. During the day, the brain collects everything that it has learned, and in the process of a night’s sleep it sorts - something is cut off, and something is put into a long-term “safe”.

* RAM  needed to perform a specific action.

* Sensory memory  the shortest. Stores received information from the senses for fractions of a second. For example, after closing the eyes, the picture seen last does not disappear immediately. Probably due to this type of memory we do not notice the blinking of our eyes.

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